Nourished Journal

Doing What Works

Jan 10, 2022

Optima,, collagen, vitamin c, multivitamin, supplement, supplements, nutritional supplements, collageen, skin food, dry skin, eczema, dermatitis, youthful skin, anti-ageing

A new year always inspires fresh starts as we think with positive anticipation about all the wonderful possibilities before us. Perhaps however, you are already engaging in some effective wellness practices worth carrying into 2022? Karissa Mather, co-founder of Australian nutricosmetics brand Optima Nutricosmetics, shares the wellness rituals that are working for her.  

Saving time 

As the year unfolds, I know the pace will inevitably quicken. When things are hectic, I like to simplify. For example, I love to meditate and exercise but I don’t always have time to do both, so sometimes I combine the two. I listen to a guided walking meditation. 


Optima,, collagen, vitamin c, multivitamin, supplement, supplements, nutritional supplements, collageen, skin food, dry skin, eczema, dermatitis, youthful skin, anti-ageing



Our Ultimate Complete Skin Food Elixir™ is designed to simplify your gut and skin health routine. This 4-in-1 formula is the foundation for complete gut and skin health with marine collagen, pre and probiotics, nutrients, and antioxidants. All of this is packed into one daily, delicious drink, created with just two scoops of the strawberry-vanilla flavoured elixir. 
Our customers love how well the product has improved their physical wellness, as well as the health and appearance of their skin. We believe Optima Complete Skin Food Elixir is so effective as it’s formulated based on three integral pillars: 

+ Pure: we use only ethically sourced, sustainably produced, natural food ingredients of the highest quality.
+ Potent: Ingredients are incorporated in clinically trialled, scientifically proven dosages.
+ Proven: Ingredients are nutrient dense and scientifically proven to be effective. 




    Being flexible 

    Regular exercise is important, and I aim to train four times each week, with a semi-flexible routine. I have two set sessions with my trainer, and I do the other two sessions when it suits me. This works better than trying to train every day at a set time. Sometimes I’m too busy, overworked, or just lack the motivation. I exercise when I feel I will perform best, making it more achievable and enjoyable.  

    Resting well 

    Sleep can sometimes be challenging. When I’m feeling restless, I turn to natural remedies like melatonin drops, CBD oil, or a reishi tea before bed. These help me relax, preparing my body and mind for rest.

    Indeed, Optima Nutrocosmetics has always been the outcome of personal experience and shared passion. My co-founder Cate Lilja and I are both big believers in the importance of gut health and its influence on the health and wellness of the entire body – especially the skin. We’ve both worked in large health and beauty companies for decades and wanted to create a natural, ingestible beauty supplement that reflected our belief in sustainable, scientifically-proven wellness products.  

    Optima,, collagen, vitamin c, multivitamin, supplement, supplements, nutritional supplements, collageen, skin food, dry skin, eczema, dermatitis, youthful skin, anti-ageing

    Eating well 

    Again, I try to be realistic when it comes to diet. I love food and especially sharing a meal with people I love. I adopt the 80/20 rule: I eat well 80 per cent of the time, allowing myself to indulge a little for the remaining 20 per cent. I also seek healthy substitutes for treat foods I love. For example, I love ice cream, but I know it’s not the healthiest food. I’ve found yummy and nutritious replacements for traditional ice cream, so I never feel like I’m missing out.

    Being patient 

    Whenever I am trying to adopt a new habit, I know to be patient with myself. Habits take time, as neurologically, new synaptic connections are being formed in your brain. This only happens with regular, sustained practice. If there are a few new habits I want to establish, I focus on one thing at a time and really ensure I have that habit formed before I create a new one.    

    Looking forward 

    New year brings a sense of optimism that we’ve been offered a fresh start. However, we’re still facing pandemic challenges and I’m conscious of nurturing my emotional health this year. Over my 48 years, I’ve become very attentive to my body, mind, and soul. I know what and who fills my emotional cup. 

    Optima,, collagen, vitamin c, multivitamin, supplement, supplements, nutritional supplements, collageen, skin food, dry skin, eczema, dermatitis, youthful skin, anti-ageing


     As for 'what', it’s spending quality time with family and friends. I particularly enjoy a few cherished rituals with these special people. For example, a group of friends and I have monthly movie nights where we take it in turns to select a movie and arrange the evening.  I also love spending quality time alone, especially taking walks in nature. 


    As for 'whom', my partner sometimes jokes it takes a team to keep me going and I tend to agree! My team includes my personal trainer, my energy healer, and when required, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. It also includes a circle of genuine friends and a loving partner and family. I was blessed to spend three weeks with my family over the summer, after a long, Covid-restricted separation. My cup is full and I’m ready for a brighter 2022. 


    Read all about how to boost your skin health with Collagen supplements here