When we first started Nourished in 2017, clean beauty was a relatively new concept in Europe and we were constantly getting the same question from friends, customers and press: "Why go natural?"
Here is a startling fact that hopefully answers this question succinctly:
The average woman uses 12 products on her skin per day. This exposes her to 185 chemicals that can potentially be absorbed through her bloodstream….every day! - The Environmental Working Group.
It is not just the chemicals we are using that are of concern, but also the amount we are using. Women, men and children are applying more chemicals to their skin, more times a day, than ever before in human history!
You see, that beautiful skin of yours is the largest organ of your body. It is a living, breathing jacket that assists in your heat regulation, excreting nasty toxins and chemicals from your body AND it absorbs up to 60% of the ingredients you place on it…
You see, your body is an ecosystem and everything that you digest & absorb has an impact on your body’s ability to regulate, adapt, heal & be healthy!
Many of the chemicals we are exposed to through skin care, personal care & beauty products have been linked to:
+ Skin allergies & irritations
+ Hormonal disruption and imbalance
+ Fertility
+ Abnormal cellular function and reproduction
+ Altered immunity, liver and other important organ function
Would you like to know more about our favourite natural beauty & make-up products? Continue to read our article about: Why choose natural beauty products.
The way we see it, there are many reasons to go natural:

Your Health & Wellbeing
The Environment
We all need to do our part to reduce environmental pollution and choosing natural skin care, personal care & beauty products is another way we can do this. Those nasty chemicals & toxins not only get absorbed by our skin into our bloodstream but also get rinsed into our waterways and emptied into our landfills, toxifying the homes of hundreds of animals. Reducing our use of chemical laden products reduces the need for production and helps to ensure that we have a safer, cleaner environment for generations to come.

Animal Cruelty
Although modern alternative test methods exist, many companies continue to use animals when testing skin care, personal care & beauty products. These poor animals are often forced to swallow & inhale nasty ingredients and endure the pain of having caustic chemicals applied to their sensitive eyes and skin. –PETA Using natural & cruelty-free products is kinder to our furry friends as well as ourselves.
Create Global Change
The cosmetic industry is one of the largest and most profitable enterprises in the world. Despite economic difficulties in the world, profitability of the cosmetic industry has been steadily increasing by about 5% each year.- DingleWhen we choose clean & green over mainstream conventional products, we use our hard-earned dollar to drive the change we wish to see in the world. We are literally voting with our purchases! Let big businesses know you expect them to look after the planet, the animals & us, before they look after their profits.
Ironically, WE the consumer hold the ultimate power. Knowledge and positive action is the way to create change.
Read more about the Nourished founders Erin Hawken & Floor Hendriks & WHY they started Nourished.